All of the assigned readings are available online through the links in the syllabus, below. Most of the readings are also available in printed form in two paperback volumes (from Amazon, for a total of $25), by using the following links:  Volume 1; Volume 2.   

Week 1

Lecture 1: The Foundations of Copyright Law

Discussion (January 27): Originality

Discussion (January 28): The Idea/Expression Distinction

Week 2

Lecture 2: Fairness and Personality Theories

Discussion (February 3): Labor v. Personhood

  • John Locke, The Second Treatise of Government (1689), Chapter 5 [pdf]
  • Robert Nozick, Anarchy, State, and Utopia (1974), pp. 174-182 [pdf]
  • IP Theory Chatbot

Discussion (February 4):  Nonfiction

Week 3

Lecture 3: The Subject Matter of Copyright

Discussion (February 10): Characters and Useful Articles

Discussion (February 11): The Music Business

Week 4

Lecture 4: Welfare Theory

Discussion (February 17): Information Technology

  • Lotus Development Corporation v. Borland International, Inc., 49 F.3d 807 (1st Cir. 1995) [pdf] [MS Word] [h2o]
  • Google v. Oracle (SCOTUS 2021), paragraphs 1-49, 107-125 [pdf] [MSWord]

Discussion (February 18): Bounded Rationality

Week 5

Lecture 5: Authorship

Discussion (February 24): Multiple Authors

Discussion (February 25): Works for Hire

Week 6

Lecture 6: The Mechanics of Copyright

Discussion (March 3): Copyright and Parentalism

Discussion (March 4): Copyright and the Constitution

Week 7

Lecture 7: The Rights to Reproduce and Modify

Discussion (March 10): “Probative Similarity” and “Substantial Similarity”

Discussion (March 11): Derivative Works

Week 8

Lecture 8: The Rights to Distribute, Perform, and Display

Discussion (March 24): Distribution and First Sale

Discussion (March 25): Performances and Displays

Week 9

Lecture 9: Fair Use and Misuse

Discussion (March 31): Fair Use, Part 1

Discussion (April 1): Fair Use, Part 2

  • Cariou v. Prince, 713 F.3d 694 (2d Cir. 2013) [pdf] [MSWord]
  • Authors Guild v. Google, 804 F.3d 202 (2d Cir. 2015) [pdf] [MS Word] [h2o]
  • Google v. Oracle (SCOTUS 2021), paragraphs 50-106, 126-163 [pdf] [MSWord]
  • Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith (SCOTUS 2023) [pdf] [MSWord]

Week 10

Lecture 10: Cultural Theory

Discussion (April 7): Moral Rights in the United States

Discussion (April 8): Traditional Knowledge

Week 11

Lecture 11: Supplements to Copyright: Secondary Liability and Para-copyright

Discussion (April 14): Secondary Liability

Discussion (April 15): Technological Protection Measures

Week 12

Lecture 12: Remedies

Discussion (April 21): Damages

Discussion (April 22): Injunctions and Crimes

Guidelines for Class Discussions